Wednesday, 13 April 2011

How IT can change an individuals life.

Technology isn’t just for the young ones; technology can be used for the old ones too. This is useful because for people that live alone can get in touch with their relatives using technology such as a mobile phone. OAPS assume that when there old they should live in a carers home, but since the arrival of technology OAPS can stay at their home and keep in contact with their family from where they are sitting. Being an individual this has a big impact and benefits because it is now easier for people to get in touch with their relatives. This just shows how much you can extend the use of technology in these modern days.  Also skype can be useful not just to talk to relatives down the road, but also talk to relatives all away around the world. And Sky TV can help them record programmes that they want to watch at another time. So being an individual like this can help out OAPS a lot and not feel left out on anything. They can also shop online so they don’t need to go to the super market for food; this is useful for disabled individuals as well.

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